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Survey for BN(O) Welcome Programme
「BN(O) 歡迎計劃」問卷調查 ( Part1)

To enable OCCAC to shape our services and activities to your needs, please complete the following simple survey.
為使牛津郡華人社區及諮詢中心 ( OCCAC ) 能按您的需要調整服務及活動,我們希望您能填寫以下簡單問卷。

(1) Among all the activities you participated, please select those that you found useful (you may choose more than one)

請選擇以下你曾參與並認為對你有幫助的活動 (可選多於一項)

a) Online Talks and Workshops 講座及工作坊

i. Life in the UK (8 sessions) 「英國生活」工作坊
ii. Adapting to UK Life (4 sessions) 「適應英國生活」工作坊
iii. Others 其他

b) Survival English Lessons and English Conversation Café「實用英語」及「英語咖啡茶座」

i. Survival English Lessons (10 sessions)「實用英語」
ii. Bicester English Conversation Café (3 sessions)
iii. Oxford English Conversation Café (2 sessions)

(2)     Among all the training courses you attended, please select those that you found useful (you may choose more than one)  

請選擇以下你曾參與並認為對你有幫助的培訓課程 (可選多於一項)

i. Certificated Training Courses 証書培訓課程
ii. Other Training Courses 其他培訓課程
iii. In what ways do you find the training courses useful? (You may choose more than one) 這些培訓課程對你有何幫助?(可選多於一項)

(3) Please tick all the services and activities you wish OCCAC to provide or organise in the future

地址: Oxfordshire Chinese Community and Advice Centre, 44B Princes Street, Oxford  OX4 1DD           
電話: 01865 204188  |  電郵:    |  網址:  | 
慈善團體註冊編號: 1006710

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